Friday, June 25, 2010

she's got no future, just a life to endure.

hello blogosphere. Today I got a surprising amount of things done... I cleaned my room, vacuumed, cleaned the litter boxes (ick), did laundry, ran to the store, and had my first steak n shake experience! Seriously, Tampa has every single fast food imaginable, it's ridiculous. Also fattening. I was meant to start a diet today, obviously that did not happen. I am cutting out all sweet drinks and sticking to water from now on. Coffee gets a pass, but I have to start to use less sugar. That's basically it.


Kayla said...

your title is from the ghost inside by broken bells isn't it? i looked up that phrase on google and this post was the first thing to come up. haha just thought i would let you know.

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