Friday, February 26, 2010

get a haircut and get a real job.

i realized i really need to keep writing a personal blog. or start actually because i havent been. I cannot tell you the joy I am getting at the moment from reading my old blogs... I was trying to recover my old deadjournal for the past 2 hours (couldnt remember the link). In the proccess I recovered two old xangas, and had to recover my aol s/n to find my deadjournal. But I succeeded! Seriously, I am cracking up right now. I was a horrible writer. Why did I write like I ruled the mean streets of compton? Seriously if anyone read this stuff now I'd never get a boyfriend, never get a job... hell, i would of never gotten accepted to community college!

It is funny though, some of the weekend accounts are hilarious. I made my life seem so big and important, and I guess in some tiny way it was. It was before all the family drama, before steph leaving, before the shoe dept (oh god, i wish i would of kept a journal during those days...). I miss it. its funny it, i dont remember the little things anymore. I used to be so good at remembering the silly things that happened that really made my 3rd wednesday is january special, or any other little day.

Among finding embaressing journals, I also found the myspaces of my two biggest crushes in high school. One's married, one's engaged. Oy. When did I grow up? Also, when did I stop being a stalker?

yeah, I don't know either.


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