something annoyed me so much today. I get so many stupid conservative, religious forwards from my family that I usually automatically delete without even reading. For some reason today I read them. Well it was some stupid prayer, and this part particularly infuriated me:
"We have exploited the poor and called it
the lottery.
We have rewarded laziness and called it
So which is it? Are we exploiting the poor under the name of capitalism (lottery) or are we rewarding them for being lazy since poor people obviously just don't like to work (yeah, and we can say this with a straight face when we have like, 10 percent unemployment). It cannot be both. We cannot be exploiting the 'poor' and rewarding them for being lazy.
This one made me laugh too because it came from the typical right wing talking point that all of our forefathers were puritans who loved jesus and hated the gays, amen! "We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment."
AND ACTUALLY THE FOREFATHERS LIVED DURING THE TRUE 'ENLIGHTENMENT'. so what is your point exactly? That cannot really be debated...
Anyway, just had to get that out before i exploded.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Everybody's got to eat, but everybody doesn't.
wow, a whole month without posting! Nothing interesting has happened, and I doubt anyone is even reading this, so it doesn't matter :P
Mostly what I wanted to post was this. I've had so much time to listen to music lately, I've re-fallen in love with it in a way. It's pretty beautiful. I hadn't found anything I'd related to in a really really long time.
Albums of the Moment:
The Gaslight Anthem- American Slang
Steel Train- Self-Titled
Frightened Rabbit- The Midnight Organ Fight (seriously, I've listened to this nonstop for like a month)
Kate Nash- My Best Friend Is You (while you are at it, check out 'Made Of Bricks')
Wakey Wakey- Almost Everything I Wish I'd Said The Last Time I Saw You
Grace Potter & The Nocturnals- Nothing But The Water
Honourable Mention: K'naan- Troubador. Wow, a beautiful album, I've had it for like a year and have never listened to it... nuts. Honestly, this is the kind of hip-hop I miss. I hate saying I don't like hip-hop anymore, because the truth is I love it, it's one of the first kinds of music I ever fell in love with, even before rock and roll really. The stories they tell need to be told, but truth be said I do not appreciate the rappers who degrade women and perpetuate ridiculous stereotypes of the community.
Noticed Hanson isn't on this list... pffft.
I honestly believe my love of hip-hop helped lead me to sociology which is a beautiful gift, thank you.
Mostly what I wanted to post was this. I've had so much time to listen to music lately, I've re-fallen in love with it in a way. It's pretty beautiful. I hadn't found anything I'd related to in a really really long time.
Albums of the Moment:
The Gaslight Anthem- American Slang
Steel Train- Self-Titled
Frightened Rabbit- The Midnight Organ Fight (seriously, I've listened to this nonstop for like a month)
Kate Nash- My Best Friend Is You (while you are at it, check out 'Made Of Bricks')
Wakey Wakey- Almost Everything I Wish I'd Said The Last Time I Saw You
Grace Potter & The Nocturnals- Nothing But The Water
Honourable Mention: K'naan- Troubador. Wow, a beautiful album, I've had it for like a year and have never listened to it... nuts. Honestly, this is the kind of hip-hop I miss. I hate saying I don't like hip-hop anymore, because the truth is I love it, it's one of the first kinds of music I ever fell in love with, even before rock and roll really. The stories they tell need to be told, but truth be said I do not appreciate the rappers who degrade women and perpetuate ridiculous stereotypes of the community.
Noticed Hanson isn't on this list... pffft.
I honestly believe my love of hip-hop helped lead me to sociology which is a beautiful gift, thank you.
Monday, July 5, 2010
lets get oldfashioned back to how things used to be
albums that make me cry every time because they are so heartbreaking, either for personal reasons or the music itself:
the river- bruce springsteen
august and everything after- counting crows
made of bricks- kate nash
whatever and ever amen- ben folds
now i can add 'the midnight organ fight' by frightened rabbit to here. How have I not discovered this before? tragic.
oh god, what a fabulous sadness. what a great album to discover as i've been feeling nonfabulously sad lately.
the river- bruce springsteen
august and everything after- counting crows
made of bricks- kate nash
whatever and ever amen- ben folds
now i can add 'the midnight organ fight' by frightened rabbit to here. How have I not discovered this before? tragic.
oh god, what a fabulous sadness. what a great album to discover as i've been feeling nonfabulously sad lately.
Friday, June 25, 2010
she's got no future, just a life to endure.
hello blogosphere. Today I got a surprising amount of things done... I cleaned my room, vacuumed, cleaned the litter boxes (ick), did laundry, ran to the store, and had my first steak n shake experience! Seriously, Tampa has every single fast food imaginable, it's ridiculous. Also fattening. I was meant to start a diet today, obviously that did not happen. I am cutting out all sweet drinks and sticking to water from now on. Coffee gets a pass, but I have to start to use less sugar. That's basically it.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
those were days of roses; poetry and proses.
I am so so so glad that I bought this Tom Waits album on a whim two weeks ago. I'm just getting round to listening to it now but I am seriously in love. The other songs I tried to listen to were a little hard to stand, but I suppose his later work is a little bit more avantegarde (at least from what I read searching through google).The songs are just so understated and beautiful with the piano shining through creating so much emotion you just want to cry! The lyrics are also so beautiful and poetic, you could such emotion just from reading them on a piece of paper. It really is quite extraordinary. In case anyone out there is reading my blog, the album is "Closing Time". I think it's his debut or one of his first albums anyway. I think I'm going to burn this one for my dad, along with the new Hanson CD ('shout it out' in case anyone is interested). The new Hanson album hasn't gotten a super lot of play since I've been preoccupied with 'pet sounds' and 'new miserable experience' (strange taste whattttt).
Let's see, what else have I been up to. Not much really. I put chlorine in the pool today, unloaded the dishwasher, remembered to take out the recycle (come on this is always a success since i usually forget)... really nothing special. I was going to get my nails done yesterday but couldn't justify the expense (I spend approximately 1/6 of my time biting my nails. That's right. 1/6.) Of course, I can justify buying to many new albums from the record store. It's something I haven't done in a long long time though, and I suppose some things never change. ever. Before I cared what I looked like, I spent all my money on CDs and literally never bought new clothes for myself. I didn't even buy good Cds though so it was kind of a waste (this was during my crappy hip-hop stage... the 15 dollars on that edited version of tupac's greatest hits was well spent though).
Not much else to say. I think I am going to make salmon for dinner... I was going to make mashed potatoes but I am too lazy, so I'm just going to reheat the corn that's already in the fridge. I'll make the Parmesan potatoes tomorrow instead.
I need a haircut. that is all.
Let's see, what else have I been up to. Not much really. I put chlorine in the pool today, unloaded the dishwasher, remembered to take out the recycle (come on this is always a success since i usually forget)... really nothing special. I was going to get my nails done yesterday but couldn't justify the expense (I spend approximately 1/6 of my time biting my nails. That's right. 1/6.) Of course, I can justify buying to many new albums from the record store. It's something I haven't done in a long long time though, and I suppose some things never change. ever. Before I cared what I looked like, I spent all my money on CDs and literally never bought new clothes for myself. I didn't even buy good Cds though so it was kind of a waste (this was during my crappy hip-hop stage... the 15 dollars on that edited version of tupac's greatest hits was well spent though).
Not much else to say. I think I am going to make salmon for dinner... I was going to make mashed potatoes but I am too lazy, so I'm just going to reheat the corn that's already in the fridge. I'll make the Parmesan potatoes tomorrow instead.
I need a haircut. that is all.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
when did i become such a new-jerseyian? Seriously, I want to know when this vast transformation took place. Any chance that I get I tell people I'm from the northeast. Also, I've been spending a considerably amount of time listening to this guy:

My dad never liked bruce springsteen, i never listened to him growing up. I am discovering his genius though.
Hey, it could be worse. I could be listening to bon jovi.
My dad never liked bruce springsteen, i never listened to him growing up. I am discovering his genius though.
Hey, it could be worse. I could be listening to bon jovi.
oh wow, it's been a week since I last updated! Mucho apologies. A lot has gone on in a week. Not that anyone even reads this, so I suppose I am apologizing to myself which is pretty embaressing.
I had my USF orientation of Wednesday and it was so scary. The school is huge, and I got lost trying to find my car at the end of the day... it took me over an hour to find it. It was absolutely horrible. I don't know, I don't know if I can do this. It's going to be so hard! I have to take a foreign language which I am not completely sure I will ever pass. I could always take sign language... which I'm still not completely sure I would ever pass. I'm still considering taking french again since I did take two years of it, and some of it must have stuck. Am I right? No, probably not. Maybe I just do not have enough confidence in myself. It's probably half that and half that I know the true reality of the situation.
In other news, allergies are brutal today. Seriously, where is all this pollen even coming from? It's florida, we have no flowers! Nothing can grow, it's a desert!
Yesterday I watched Pirate Radio, which was decent. It got a lot better towards the end, the beginning was a bit slow moving.
Oh yeah, and my 19 year old unmarried, poor sister is pregnant! I'll leave that situation up to everyone's imaginations. By poor I don't mean it in a "aww poor baby" kind of way, more of a "oh i have no savings or health insurance and my boyfriend has no job" kind of way.
Hmmm, what else. I've been listening to some awesome albums this week... I just made it through "Pet Sounds" and "New Miserable Experience"... I'm now working on Elastica's self-titled album which is good so far. I'm listening to "Car Song" at the moment. Oh yeah, and I listened to half of "The First Ten Years" by Joan Baez. Lots of awesome Dylan covers.
That's it for now! I'm very sneezy! Will report back later xo.
I had my USF orientation of Wednesday and it was so scary. The school is huge, and I got lost trying to find my car at the end of the day... it took me over an hour to find it. It was absolutely horrible. I don't know, I don't know if I can do this. It's going to be so hard! I have to take a foreign language which I am not completely sure I will ever pass. I could always take sign language... which I'm still not completely sure I would ever pass. I'm still considering taking french again since I did take two years of it, and some of it must have stuck. Am I right? No, probably not. Maybe I just do not have enough confidence in myself. It's probably half that and half that I know the true reality of the situation.
In other news, allergies are brutal today. Seriously, where is all this pollen even coming from? It's florida, we have no flowers! Nothing can grow, it's a desert!
Yesterday I watched Pirate Radio, which was decent. It got a lot better towards the end, the beginning was a bit slow moving.
Oh yeah, and my 19 year old unmarried, poor sister is pregnant! I'll leave that situation up to everyone's imaginations. By poor I don't mean it in a "aww poor baby" kind of way, more of a "oh i have no savings or health insurance and my boyfriend has no job" kind of way.
Hmmm, what else. I've been listening to some awesome albums this week... I just made it through "Pet Sounds" and "New Miserable Experience"... I'm now working on Elastica's self-titled album which is good so far. I'm listening to "Car Song" at the moment. Oh yeah, and I listened to half of "The First Ten Years" by Joan Baez. Lots of awesome Dylan covers.
That's it for now! I'm very sneezy! Will report back later xo.
Friday, June 11, 2010
I'm not gonna try to forget Maybe happiness Is worth the chance Of a bitter end?
why do people lie? i really don't understand it. I don't want to get so much into it, but my feelings were hurt, really. But, I can't let mistakes I've made in the past be in vain, and I will NOT go through the same situation, you know? I have to not let myself get that hurt, because if I do, I might never open up again.
Have to remember not to set myself up for failure in the future. Somebody will come along eventually, maybe.
In other news, my sun poisoning is slowly but surely going away. I guess that's why I haven't written, i've been in alot of pain. For once it's physical though.
In other other news, I finally took a ride to the record shop, and it was awesomeeeeee. I got the complete buddy holly on vinyl! Like, is anything more amazing than that? NO. I also bought carole king- tapestry and bruce springsteen- the river on vinyl. Besides that I bought a bunch of cds that need to go into my itunes. I'm really happy about that. I spent way too much money, but soooo worth it. I also stopped at the thrift store and bought 2 really really cute dresses, one long top that I wont be able to wear until winter, and one dress i'm not as in love with but its still pretty cute. All in all it was a successful week.
Anyways, I have been trying SO hard lately that I refuse to be put into emo cher mode over a certain boy.
Have to remember not to set myself up for failure in the future. Somebody will come along eventually, maybe.
In other news, my sun poisoning is slowly but surely going away. I guess that's why I haven't written, i've been in alot of pain. For once it's physical though.
In other other news, I finally took a ride to the record shop, and it was awesomeeeeee. I got the complete buddy holly on vinyl! Like, is anything more amazing than that? NO. I also bought carole king- tapestry and bruce springsteen- the river on vinyl. Besides that I bought a bunch of cds that need to go into my itunes. I'm really happy about that. I spent way too much money, but soooo worth it. I also stopped at the thrift store and bought 2 really really cute dresses, one long top that I wont be able to wear until winter, and one dress i'm not as in love with but its still pretty cute. All in all it was a successful week.
Anyways, I have been trying SO hard lately that I refuse to be put into emo cher mode over a certain boy.
Monday, June 7, 2010
In other news, I'm listening to the new Hanson album "Shout It Out"... i am seriously in love. I love this piano rock side to them, its so amazing. It's like a great forgotten album from the 1970's. The opening chords of "waiting for this" remind me so much of ben folds (who also equals love)... so far no ballads though. They seem to be very happy on this album, which is a contrast to the past EPS they've released over the last few years, lol. I'm glad though as I wasn't totally in love with all of them. Anyways, I am very happy at the moment.
Also, I might get to go see Something Corporate after all! Ginny might come with me, I have to see if I have school then. If I don't, I'll drive down :D So exciting. I really would love to see them.
Orientation is a week from wednesday... eee!!! SO NERVOUS. I think I'll be ok though.
Let's see, what else did I do today... shaved the dog, bathed the dog, cleaned out the kitty boxes, went to the post office, and went to walgreens! All in all a successful day. I sold something else on amazon and made 12.00. YAY. that's about it!
Ok, now i'm going to go tend to my sunburn!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
i'm making a list of cds i hope to acquire someday. maybe my bday.
love- love
broken bells- self-titled
any joan baez
the dead weather- die by the drop
i'm sure there are more, will be adding to this list!
love- love
broken bells- self-titled
any joan baez
the dead weather- die by the drop
i'm sure there are more, will be adding to this list!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
today its raining, I mean really raining, like cats and dogs as they say. I was very disappointed to see my favorite blog ever has discontinued. She hadn't written in it in over 2 years, but the old entries were still up in case I felt like getting lost. I suppose at some time we need to let these kinds of things go though, right? I'd love to tell her how much her entries meant to me, and how much I identified. I'm sure she knows though, I think people can feel these kinds of things.
I went to the store and mailed out some things, nothing truly exciting.
I hope that it doesn't rain tomorrow, and I hope that the oil stays off of Florida's shores for as long as possible although it will not be indefinitely, and eventually we will have to suffer the consequences for abusing nature and deregulating business.
That's really all I have to say.
I went to the store and mailed out some things, nothing truly exciting.
I hope that it doesn't rain tomorrow, and I hope that the oil stays off of Florida's shores for as long as possible although it will not be indefinitely, and eventually we will have to suffer the consequences for abusing nature and deregulating business.
That's really all I have to say.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I brought a stick to a gunfight, and I'm stuck with my tongue tied.
this is where I'm going on Friday:

I hope it's warm, but I hope the sun doesn't burn me up. I don't need any more color really, my legs already look sickly pale like that of a person on their third round of chemotherapy while my arms make me look like a construction worker putting windows in houses for a living (I'm not).
I have some more evidence for my 'when it rains it pours theory'. A long time ago (well, like 2 years) when I first moved here I hung out with this guy. Holding back details of what actually happened we stopped talking and haven't spoken in more than a year. Actually, the last time I spoke to him was probably around election day 2008. Anyway, I was just thinking of him because I knew he wanted to go to USF and I'm starting in the fall. Then I noticed him stalking my profile on okcupid, so I was the nice one and sent him a 'hey how are you doing, etc etc' message to find out that hes now currently single and going to usf, blah blah blah. Yeah, that was so odd and the timing was so weird. I don't want to date him or anything, I'm just trying to make friends. So odd though.
Besides that, nothing overly exciting has happened this week. Sorry this entry is not very poetic I just don't feel very poetic today. It's sweltering outside and I'm contemplating going swimming but then I'm like do I really want to get all messed up? Then I'm thinking of going to get some photos developed but it's a waste to just go out to do that one thing. I also have to mail some things but I'm waiting for the ebay buyers to pay me. You know how that goes.
Ok, here is my current playlist:
Parachute- She (For Liz)
Gabe Dixon Band- And The World Turns
Carbon Leaf- Another Man's Woman
Carbon Leaf- Miss Hollywood
Love- My Little Red Book
Something Corporate- Me & The Moon
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes- Home
Kate Nash- Doo Wah Doo
I hope it's warm, but I hope the sun doesn't burn me up. I don't need any more color really, my legs already look sickly pale like that of a person on their third round of chemotherapy while my arms make me look like a construction worker putting windows in houses for a living (I'm not).
I have some more evidence for my 'when it rains it pours theory'. A long time ago (well, like 2 years) when I first moved here I hung out with this guy. Holding back details of what actually happened we stopped talking and haven't spoken in more than a year. Actually, the last time I spoke to him was probably around election day 2008. Anyway, I was just thinking of him because I knew he wanted to go to USF and I'm starting in the fall. Then I noticed him stalking my profile on okcupid, so I was the nice one and sent him a 'hey how are you doing, etc etc' message to find out that hes now currently single and going to usf, blah blah blah. Yeah, that was so odd and the timing was so weird. I don't want to date him or anything, I'm just trying to make friends. So odd though.
Besides that, nothing overly exciting has happened this week. Sorry this entry is not very poetic I just don't feel very poetic today. It's sweltering outside and I'm contemplating going swimming but then I'm like do I really want to get all messed up? Then I'm thinking of going to get some photos developed but it's a waste to just go out to do that one thing. I also have to mail some things but I'm waiting for the ebay buyers to pay me. You know how that goes.
Ok, here is my current playlist:
Parachute- She (For Liz)
Gabe Dixon Band- And The World Turns
Carbon Leaf- Another Man's Woman
Carbon Leaf- Miss Hollywood
Love- My Little Red Book
Something Corporate- Me & The Moon
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes- Home
Kate Nash- Doo Wah Doo
Monday, May 31, 2010
sometimes i feel like i must be the worst person in the world! met some new people, blah blah blah, feelings later, i agree, then change my mind, and now want out. None of this probably makes sense to you, it doesn't make any to me either. The days float by and i'm still the same. like, i kind of liked you but not in that way alright? i just like talking about music to strangers, and when somebody knows who buddy holly is my heart starts to feel false feelings. I can't explain it. ugh, nothing in life makes any sense. hide my phone from me because sometimes i feel like its a deadly weapon.
now i'm sitting here listening to jack's mannequin which contains too many feelings within it to even begin to explain that mess, and the song changes and its "to the beat of our noisy hearts" by matt nathanson. Music makes me want to move to the city and experience things. Not sure what. I will get back to you.
I suppose none of this will be any big deal by next week, I just dont know why i do these things!
now i'm sitting here listening to jack's mannequin which contains too many feelings within it to even begin to explain that mess, and the song changes and its "to the beat of our noisy hearts" by matt nathanson. Music makes me want to move to the city and experience things. Not sure what. I will get back to you.
I suppose none of this will be any big deal by next week, I just dont know why i do these things!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
i swear, everytime i play 'hospital beds' by the cold war kids i think of him, and it makes me go searching through facebook to find pictures. He's so beautiful, an as much as I tell myself that him and his crazy hair are not so special, to me they are. They are so special and so beautiful that I cannot forget them. Then I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach like i might die at any single solitary second. I have no idea why I feel so strongly about someone who I never dated. I don't know if he ever liked me, as a friend or as anything more than that. I've been over this for a long time, but every once and a while the feeling creeps back up on me, usually when I'm feeling lonely or overwhelmed. I think he's just some kind of bizarre marker for that point in my life that wasn't so terrible, and when I felt like good things could actually happen to me. A painful, unrequited marker but a marker none the less. I don't know, I guess I just needed to say these things because they've been bothering me for the past day. I've met some new people and these things just seem to come up in my mind. They come up every single time I meet a guy who i have a connection with that I find out later on has a girlfriend. It follows me around like a ghost in winter. I find it out about the recent guy, and then I think of him and how I was or was not led on or maybe hearts just believe whatever they want to, I don't know. I don't know much about hearts I think. But I do think I loved him. or maybe not him but what I dreamt he could be. Maybe I just wanted to believe there were a few good true hearts left in the world.
But, like I said, i don't know much about hearts I think.
But, like I said, i don't know much about hearts I think.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
if i left tomorrow, would anyone even care? or notice? sometimes i think i'd be less of a burden on the earth if i just overdosed on benadryl. I'm certain everyone would get over it in .5 seconds.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
So you buried all your lover's clothes and burned the letters lover wrote...
... but it doesn't make it any better, does it make it any better?
I haven't written in about 2 weeks, I guess I just haven't had much to say or just haven't felt like saying it. I feel too depressed most of the time to put my energy into anything, especially a blog (my school work has been lacking as well, although I did finish my big paper early) I know that writing will only make me feel better but I guess it's just hard sometimes. The acceptance letters are still sitting on my desk. Ah, why aren't decisions easier?
Onto the positive... May 21-22, I'm meeting my best friend and her equally cool boyfriend in Disney :) I'm staying at the same Disney hotel as them (Pop Century) so it will be easy to coordinate and I can avoid driving (and parking) as much as possible. Should be totally fun :D Also... no need for a designated driver!! I do not drink really, let alone going out to drink, so this should be really fun. Also, me and Stephanie have never gotten to 'go out' together because the last time I was home I wasn't even 21 yet. Anyways, exciting stuff. We are going to MGM studios in the morning and then later on going to Epcot (and eating dinner in mexico). I really am excited for that.
Besides that we are spending Easter at my aunt's house. I really hate Easter, I mean I kind of dislike all religious holidays because I don't believe in them. Maybe hate is a strong word and I don't want to put anyone off or anything, it's just I get religion forced down my throat every possible second by my aunt. Then I'm made to feel like I'm a terrible person for not believing this story or that story. It's not beliefs that make you a good person, it's what you do. I don't force my beliefs, or even talk about them, to my aunt so why doesn't that go both ways? I'm 21, not some child with a moldable brain... I have ideas of my own. That's fine though, I'm over it.
My dad sent me a package of goodies (aka cds) for Easter :D One of them is The Byrds boxset, and another is volumes 1-3 of the bootleg albums by bob dylan (which he already got me but this one has all the neat artwork!). Also a bunch of Cds that he burned which was nice, and a copied photo of my grandfather in his army uniform (HANDSOME!!). Ok, so I think that's really it... I don't know, maybe not. My plans got cancelled... oh, happy day.
I haven't written in about 2 weeks, I guess I just haven't had much to say or just haven't felt like saying it. I feel too depressed most of the time to put my energy into anything, especially a blog (my school work has been lacking as well, although I did finish my big paper early) I know that writing will only make me feel better but I guess it's just hard sometimes. The acceptance letters are still sitting on my desk. Ah, why aren't decisions easier?
Onto the positive... May 21-22, I'm meeting my best friend and her equally cool boyfriend in Disney :) I'm staying at the same Disney hotel as them (Pop Century) so it will be easy to coordinate and I can avoid driving (and parking) as much as possible. Should be totally fun :D Also... no need for a designated driver!! I do not drink really, let alone going out to drink, so this should be really fun. Also, me and Stephanie have never gotten to 'go out' together because the last time I was home I wasn't even 21 yet. Anyways, exciting stuff. We are going to MGM studios in the morning and then later on going to Epcot (and eating dinner in mexico). I really am excited for that.
Besides that we are spending Easter at my aunt's house. I really hate Easter, I mean I kind of dislike all religious holidays because I don't believe in them. Maybe hate is a strong word and I don't want to put anyone off or anything, it's just I get religion forced down my throat every possible second by my aunt. Then I'm made to feel like I'm a terrible person for not believing this story or that story. It's not beliefs that make you a good person, it's what you do. I don't force my beliefs, or even talk about them, to my aunt so why doesn't that go both ways? I'm 21, not some child with a moldable brain... I have ideas of my own. That's fine though, I'm over it.
My dad sent me a package of goodies (aka cds) for Easter :D One of them is The Byrds boxset, and another is volumes 1-3 of the bootleg albums by bob dylan (which he already got me but this one has all the neat artwork!). Also a bunch of Cds that he burned which was nice, and a copied photo of my grandfather in his army uniform (HANDSOME!!). Ok, so I think that's really it... I don't know, maybe not. My plans got cancelled... oh, happy day.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
sometimes, i really think i am mental. I'm sitting in my car driving to school today and I realize something: my ipod driving playlist has not progressed from high school. It consists of:
1) Songs that I listened to in high school
2) Songs that remind me of high school
It's weird too. Ben folds doesnt feel the same anymore, or counting crows, or jeff buckley... the music hasn't changed. I guess I've changed though because it doesn't affect me the same. Maybe my heart is blackening? Who knows.
1) Songs that I listened to in high school
2) Songs that remind me of high school
It's weird too. Ben folds doesnt feel the same anymore, or counting crows, or jeff buckley... the music hasn't changed. I guess I've changed though because it doesn't affect me the same. Maybe my heart is blackening? Who knows.
Monday, March 22, 2010
thought of the day
There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women.
~Madeleine K. Albright
~Madeleine K. Albright
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Did you know...
that in ancient egypt, if a man divorced his wife he had to pay a fine (to the wife)? But if a woman got sick of her man, she just said bye-bye! no fine!
Cool or what?
Cool or what?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
the last few days i drove to school listening to jack mannequin's "everything in transit" and it has never felt so amazing. I usually just do a giant mix of about 300 songs to listen to in the car because I get very fickle and wind up only listening to every 10th song. I haven't listened to an album all the way through since I can't even remember. I forgot how amazing it can be to do that because good albums tell a story all the way through that we sometimes miss if we just listen to individual songs. Anyways, it was pretty beautiful.
In other music news, I am also lovingggg Pandora. You type in a band you like and it makes a station based on that artists music and similar music to it. It's awesome for playing in the background, and also for discovering new stuff. Right now it's an old favorite, "Run" by Snow Patrol. ah, high school :)
This weekend I HAVE to finish my anthropology paper. I just want it to be done and over with and I have been putting it off for weeks now. I hate the whole weeding through research part of it, which is what I need to do. and write notecards... those dreaded note cards!!
I also think I'm going to try to get a haircut this weekend. I want to try a new place really close to the house. I usually drive about 20 mins away, and they do an amazing job, but I'm pretty sure the guy who does my hair isnt there anymore. Anyway, we'll see! I'm getting a pixie (again. so much for the growing out, eh?) so hopefully it looks decent.
Anyways, thats pretty much it. Nothing very interesting has happened lately, so, yeah, thats about it :)
some things i've been reading that i thought I would share:
In other music news, I am also lovingggg Pandora. You type in a band you like and it makes a station based on that artists music and similar music to it. It's awesome for playing in the background, and also for discovering new stuff. Right now it's an old favorite, "Run" by Snow Patrol. ah, high school :)
This weekend I HAVE to finish my anthropology paper. I just want it to be done and over with and I have been putting it off for weeks now. I hate the whole weeding through research part of it, which is what I need to do. and write notecards... those dreaded note cards!!
I also think I'm going to try to get a haircut this weekend. I want to try a new place really close to the house. I usually drive about 20 mins away, and they do an amazing job, but I'm pretty sure the guy who does my hair isnt there anymore. Anyway, we'll see! I'm getting a pixie (again. so much for the growing out, eh?) so hopefully it looks decent.
Anyways, thats pretty much it. Nothing very interesting has happened lately, so, yeah, thats about it :)
some things i've been reading that i thought I would share:
Monday, March 15, 2010
hello my name is cher,
and i hide college acceptance letters in my car and under books in my desk so people won't find them. Strange much? I keep imagining in my tiny brain that if I hide the acceptance letters that I won't have to make any decisions. The thing is, not making a decision is a decision in itself because that means I won't be going to ANY school next fall.
Argh there's just too much to think about... Florida or New Jersey? Live at home or try to get an apartment? Kill myself?? (kidding... maybe.) Seriously, I do not know what to do. I was hoping I wouldn't get accepted to USF so my decision would be made for me. I mean I really don't want to go there but i feel like no matter what I do I dissapoint someone, and it seems like anything I do I dissapoint myself.
now i'm listening to jack's mannequin and thinking of a certain person. I used to think about him sooo much, like it was just something i was never going to get over. Sometime over the last year things changed and he enters my mind less and less, and my heart hurts less and less when i think of him. also, I can listen to certain music again without thinking of his pretty face. Always a good thing.
anyways, thats all. class tomorrow. making dinner now (chicken and green beans yummmmm).
Cher xoxox
Argh there's just too much to think about... Florida or New Jersey? Live at home or try to get an apartment? Kill myself?? (kidding... maybe.) Seriously, I do not know what to do. I was hoping I wouldn't get accepted to USF so my decision would be made for me. I mean I really don't want to go there but i feel like no matter what I do I dissapoint someone, and it seems like anything I do I dissapoint myself.
now i'm listening to jack's mannequin and thinking of a certain person. I used to think about him sooo much, like it was just something i was never going to get over. Sometime over the last year things changed and he enters my mind less and less, and my heart hurts less and less when i think of him. also, I can listen to certain music again without thinking of his pretty face. Always a good thing.
anyways, thats all. class tomorrow. making dinner now (chicken and green beans yummmmm).
Cher xoxox
Friday, March 12, 2010
democracy is coming to the usa.
It's coming through a hole in the air,
from those nights in Tiananmen Square.
It's coming from the feel
that this ain't exactly real,
or it's real, but it ain't exactly there.
From the wars against disorder,
from the sirens night and day,
from the fires of the homeless,
from the ashes of the gay:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
It's coming through a crack in the wall;
on a visionary flood of alcohol;
from the staggering account
of the Sermon on the Mount
which I don't pretend to understand at all.
It's coming from the silence
on the dock of the bay,
from the brave, the bold, the battered
heart of Chevrolet:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
It's coming from the sorrow in the street,
the holy places where the races meet;
from the homicidal bitchin'
that goes down in every kitchen
to determine who will serve and who will eat.
From the wells of disappointment
where the women kneel to pray
for the grace of God in the desert here
and the desert far away:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
Sail on, sail on
O mighty Ship of State!
To the Shores of Need
Past the Reefs of Greed
Through the Squalls of Hate
Sail on, sail on, sail on, sail on.
It's coming to America first,
the cradle of the best and of the worst.
It's here they got the range
and the machinery for change
and it's here they got the spiritual thirst.
It's here the family's broken
and it's here the lonely say
that the heart has got to open
in a fundamental way:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
It's coming from the women and the men.
O baby, we'll be making love again.
We'll be going down so deep
the river's going to weep,
and the mountain's going to shout Amen!
It's coming like the tidal flood
beneath the lunar sway,
imperial, mysterious,
in amorous array:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
Sail on, sail on ...
I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean
I love the country but I can't stand the scene.
And I'm neither left or right
I'm just staying home tonight,
getting lost in that hopeless little screen.
But I'm stubborn as those garbage bags
that Time cannot decay,
I'm junk but I'm still holding up
this little wild bouquet:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
In case anyone cares, I did well on my group test which was just each group getting 2 questions to explain to the class! My teacher also gave me a nice compliment on my journal, saying my thoughts were very enlightening and thanking me :) That made me feel really good and made my week despite the horrible drive I had to school where i was convinced I was going to die (rain rain go away). Also, what the eff was up with american idol? I'm really upset that Alex Lambert and Lilly got voted off... also, I love me some carole king and that girl with curly hair, but I could have gotten over that because her performance actually was less than stellar. Anyways, this years top 12 sucks. Alex was my favorite to win.
That is all!
from those nights in Tiananmen Square.
It's coming from the feel
that this ain't exactly real,
or it's real, but it ain't exactly there.
From the wars against disorder,
from the sirens night and day,
from the fires of the homeless,
from the ashes of the gay:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
It's coming through a crack in the wall;
on a visionary flood of alcohol;
from the staggering account
of the Sermon on the Mount
which I don't pretend to understand at all.
It's coming from the silence
on the dock of the bay,
from the brave, the bold, the battered
heart of Chevrolet:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
It's coming from the sorrow in the street,
the holy places where the races meet;
from the homicidal bitchin'
that goes down in every kitchen
to determine who will serve and who will eat.
From the wells of disappointment
where the women kneel to pray
for the grace of God in the desert here
and the desert far away:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
Sail on, sail on
O mighty Ship of State!
To the Shores of Need
Past the Reefs of Greed
Through the Squalls of Hate
Sail on, sail on, sail on, sail on.
It's coming to America first,
the cradle of the best and of the worst.
It's here they got the range
and the machinery for change
and it's here they got the spiritual thirst.
It's here the family's broken
and it's here the lonely say
that the heart has got to open
in a fundamental way:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
It's coming from the women and the men.
O baby, we'll be making love again.
We'll be going down so deep
the river's going to weep,
and the mountain's going to shout Amen!
It's coming like the tidal flood
beneath the lunar sway,
imperial, mysterious,
in amorous array:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
Sail on, sail on ...
I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean
I love the country but I can't stand the scene.
And I'm neither left or right
I'm just staying home tonight,
getting lost in that hopeless little screen.
But I'm stubborn as those garbage bags
that Time cannot decay,
I'm junk but I'm still holding up
this little wild bouquet:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
In case anyone cares, I did well on my group test which was just each group getting 2 questions to explain to the class! My teacher also gave me a nice compliment on my journal, saying my thoughts were very enlightening and thanking me :) That made me feel really good and made my week despite the horrible drive I had to school where i was convinced I was going to die (rain rain go away). Also, what the eff was up with american idol? I'm really upset that Alex Lambert and Lilly got voted off... also, I love me some carole king and that girl with curly hair, but I could have gotten over that because her performance actually was less than stellar. Anyways, this years top 12 sucks. Alex was my favorite to win.
That is all!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Today was a good day!!
a quick list of things I'm grateful for today:
1) I avoided about 5 accidents today. One was my fault (shame) because I was getting on the highway and I didn't see that there was someone there and moved over. I had enough room (luckily) but it could have ended badly. The rest were people cutting me off and not looking as they were backing out of parking spaces (seriously, do i wear a sign??). Apparently today was cut cherilyn off day and I missed the memo. For shame.
2) The weather is beautiful!! Gorgeous!! I have to admit this time of year is the hardest to be away from nj because spring has always been my favorite season. I love when it gets just warm enough to not need a heavy coat but yet still chilly enough to be comfy in jeans. I miss my walks through the neighborhood to the deli to get pepsi (aka my crack!). I miss my best friend. I miss the smell in the morning, and getting to open my windows for that first time after a very long winter. I miss all of that living here, and although I'm very grateful for the beautiful day, it has a touch of sadness too.
3) I got my pearls back from the jeweler and they did a really good job. It was also only 20 dollars to repair, not the 40 plus dollars they quoted me.
4) I got a high C on my test and yet still have an A in history.
5) Last night I realized because I happened to check my school user id online that i had a history essay due today. If I hadn't of done that, I would have failed the class. I rushed to get it done and still did pretty well on it I think. I didn't even need to quote wikipedia (it was on the harlem rennaisaince if anyone cares)
ok, thats pretty much it. The weekend was fun, and we went to the strawberry festival, and it was good. except I've never seen so much god/jesus stuff in public not at a church thing in my lifeeee. the northeast is so different in that reguard. Vendors would never be selling jewelery at the same time they were giving out free bibles (but only the new testatment... i guess the old isnt important?) it kind of made me uncomfortable and like everyone was trying to convert me. I mean it's they're right to display whatever, but I just found it odd. The tea partiers were there too and that just downright amused me. i was all ready to say im a liberal if they asked me to donate money. but they didnt so that made me a little sad. i wanted to pick a fight (not really).
I did get an earrings/pendant set that is sooo pretty. Also, a piano charm I really need to find a chain for.
oh yeah, i also kicked major ass at Scrabble saturday night. That was fun. Ok, thats all!
a quick list of things I'm grateful for today:
1) I avoided about 5 accidents today. One was my fault (shame) because I was getting on the highway and I didn't see that there was someone there and moved over. I had enough room (luckily) but it could have ended badly. The rest were people cutting me off and not looking as they were backing out of parking spaces (seriously, do i wear a sign??). Apparently today was cut cherilyn off day and I missed the memo. For shame.
2) The weather is beautiful!! Gorgeous!! I have to admit this time of year is the hardest to be away from nj because spring has always been my favorite season. I love when it gets just warm enough to not need a heavy coat but yet still chilly enough to be comfy in jeans. I miss my walks through the neighborhood to the deli to get pepsi (aka my crack!). I miss my best friend. I miss the smell in the morning, and getting to open my windows for that first time after a very long winter. I miss all of that living here, and although I'm very grateful for the beautiful day, it has a touch of sadness too.
3) I got my pearls back from the jeweler and they did a really good job. It was also only 20 dollars to repair, not the 40 plus dollars they quoted me.
4) I got a high C on my test and yet still have an A in history.
5) Last night I realized because I happened to check my school user id online that i had a history essay due today. If I hadn't of done that, I would have failed the class. I rushed to get it done and still did pretty well on it I think. I didn't even need to quote wikipedia (it was on the harlem rennaisaince if anyone cares)
ok, thats pretty much it. The weekend was fun, and we went to the strawberry festival, and it was good. except I've never seen so much god/jesus stuff in public not at a church thing in my lifeeee. the northeast is so different in that reguard. Vendors would never be selling jewelery at the same time they were giving out free bibles (but only the new testatment... i guess the old isnt important?) it kind of made me uncomfortable and like everyone was trying to convert me. I mean it's they're right to display whatever, but I just found it odd. The tea partiers were there too and that just downright amused me. i was all ready to say im a liberal if they asked me to donate money. but they didnt so that made me a little sad. i wanted to pick a fight (not really).
I did get an earrings/pendant set that is sooo pretty. Also, a piano charm I really need to find a chain for.
oh yeah, i also kicked major ass at Scrabble saturday night. That was fun. Ok, thats all!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
hey readers :) I should have written sooner this week but I'm trying not to overkill writing about my less than exciting life, and then I actually did get busy so I didn't get a chance to write.
Some things that were good this week were I finally took my Anthropology midterm and only got one wrong, so a 97! that was pretty awesome :D Wednesday my friend Amanda and I went to grab some lunch at Applebees where I had an amazingggg mudslide and we ate way too much. Then, we went to TJ Maxx where I bought more clothing I didn't need (but it was so pretttyyyy). Honestly though, I finally found a pair of skinny black dress pants... I've been on a search for these for I cannot even tell you how long. I cannot wear leggings as pants, I just think it looks like... you know, you need to put on a pair of damn pants. But these give the same sleek look without showing all your bits, haha. I also got a pair of jeans, two basic tops, and a powder blue dress. It was only about 65 dollars. Then we went to Walmart which was hilarious. I should of taken pictures but you can just imagine in your head us playin with easter eggs and water guns. Yeah, I'm not 21!
Today my aunt and uncle are coming and tomorrow we are all going to the Strawberry festival. I cannot wait for fair food, YUM! Sometime this weekend I have to finish my bibliography for Anthropology and do some reading for my US History class. Is it sad that I missed my classes this week though? It gives me purpose, lol. Anyway, tonight I am making a chicken for dinner with sweet potato fries, mmmmm. Pretty exciting. I might have a drink too (appletini, heyyy!) but we'll see.
I think that was pretty much it for this week... oh, my dad sent me the book "The Jungle" to read. I'll have to add it to the pile of books which consists of humanist literature, the communist manifesto, and the feminine mystique. I'll probably read "The Jungle" first though to make my dad happy. Betty Friedan can wait, and Karl Marx isn't going anywhere either. I want to make my dad a mixtape but I don't know if I'll get to it this weekend, maybe I'll do it Tuesday or Wednesday after my classes. Whenever I do, I'll post the playlist. It might be interesting to someone. I always like seeing other people's music tastes.
Ok, that's all for now! Dienu!
Some things that were good this week were I finally took my Anthropology midterm and only got one wrong, so a 97! that was pretty awesome :D Wednesday my friend Amanda and I went to grab some lunch at Applebees where I had an amazingggg mudslide and we ate way too much. Then, we went to TJ Maxx where I bought more clothing I didn't need (but it was so pretttyyyy). Honestly though, I finally found a pair of skinny black dress pants... I've been on a search for these for I cannot even tell you how long. I cannot wear leggings as pants, I just think it looks like... you know, you need to put on a pair of damn pants. But these give the same sleek look without showing all your bits, haha. I also got a pair of jeans, two basic tops, and a powder blue dress. It was only about 65 dollars. Then we went to Walmart which was hilarious. I should of taken pictures but you can just imagine in your head us playin with easter eggs and water guns. Yeah, I'm not 21!
Today my aunt and uncle are coming and tomorrow we are all going to the Strawberry festival. I cannot wait for fair food, YUM! Sometime this weekend I have to finish my bibliography for Anthropology and do some reading for my US History class. Is it sad that I missed my classes this week though? It gives me purpose, lol. Anyway, tonight I am making a chicken for dinner with sweet potato fries, mmmmm. Pretty exciting. I might have a drink too (appletini, heyyy!) but we'll see.
I think that was pretty much it for this week... oh, my dad sent me the book "The Jungle" to read. I'll have to add it to the pile of books which consists of humanist literature, the communist manifesto, and the feminine mystique. I'll probably read "The Jungle" first though to make my dad happy. Betty Friedan can wait, and Karl Marx isn't going anywhere either. I want to make my dad a mixtape but I don't know if I'll get to it this weekend, maybe I'll do it Tuesday or Wednesday after my classes. Whenever I do, I'll post the playlist. It might be interesting to someone. I always like seeing other people's music tastes.
Ok, that's all for now! Dienu!
karl marx,
the jungle,
TJ Maxx
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
quote of the day
stolen from facebook:
"We can continue to tie our own hands and bind our own feet or we can
break free, endure the inevitable opprobrium, and fight back. This means
refusing to support the Democrats... We can begin by sending a message to the Green Party...Let them know they are no longer alone."
"We can continue to tie our own hands and bind our own feet or we can
break free, endure the inevitable opprobrium, and fight back. This means
refusing to support the Democrats... We can begin by sending a message to the Green Party...Let them know they are no longer alone."
Monday, March 1, 2010
and if you start to sing, why stop?
Today was a day of taxes and naps. I woke up early to go with my aunt to get her taxes done. The receptionist was wearing the prettiest bohemian dress with a black sweater over it and flats. I kind of loved it. I also kind of strongly dislike her taxman. He always makes glaring accusations when I remind him what I'm going to school for (sociology) and then later in our conversation he started dissing social programs (you know, taking money from 'us' to give to 'them'). Because poor people obviously just don't want to work, right? RIGHT?? Obviously. From that conversation my growing brain deduced that this man has no idea what sociologists actually do, because no sociologist is going to agree with that conversation. My aunt didn't either. Subjects were quickly changed.
Besides taxes, I came home and ate some delicious Girl Scout cookies. Oh, well before we came home I ran into Walgreens and got my aunt some cigarettes and the house some iced tea (well, the house doesnt actually drink it. we do). I found out that my most favorite Walgreens sales person is from Paramus, New Jersey! No wonder why I love him so much! He always tells me I'm extremely smiley and always happy. It's pretty cool. Anyways, came home & ate Girl Scout cookies (thin mints if anyone reading this is exceptionally voyeuristic). I took a nap, watched some bad daytime TV (is there any other kind?) and came back online to listen to some music. I just downloaded this album (for free- but legally!) by Adam Taylor. It's called "Play The Piano Drunk". I really like it actually, everyone should check it out. Not bad for some free tunage.
This weekend I did not do very much (really, is that surprising?). We ordered Pizza on Friday from this really great pizza place in our local super Target shopping center. When I was sitting in my car there was the cutest couple having a moment in his truck. Usually I hate these things, I'm not a fan of PDAs at all, but I'm glad even for one split second that I could see and believe things like that actually happen to people. The guy was so adorable too, he could have been a model. The girl was pretty average looking, but happy. I'm glad I notice these things sometimes, I think lately I've become not as observant to the world around me which is kind of sad because thats what i always loved about life... noticing all the little things.
Weather wise it was a pretty dissapointing weekend. Cold, hot, cold hot, it never stops! It also rained. Today was beautiful though, and yet I spent it inside... I should be slapped!
Steph (best friend) and Dan (the boyfriend) are coming to Florida to go to disney. I'm so excited! Even if it's only a day, hey I'll take it! More visitors then I've gotten all year! Actually, thats a lie, my dad came and spent a week in January so i was lucky this year. Still no mom. Not surprising. Anyway, by the time they come it will be May so I will either be gearing up to move, vegging out, having a job (dont bet on this one if you're into that sort of thing), or ??? who knows. I know I won't be in school though. Really, I just need a damn vacation. Anyone want to take a broke girl on vacation? I'm lots of fun I promise. Also, I don't drink that much so I can be your designated driver. If you're interested drop me a comment. Oh, and don't make it someplace tropical. I do live in Florida after all. This means no disney.
Ok, that's all I have to say for now. If anyone out there is reading this, let me know.
Besides taxes, I came home and ate some delicious Girl Scout cookies. Oh, well before we came home I ran into Walgreens and got my aunt some cigarettes and the house some iced tea (well, the house doesnt actually drink it. we do). I found out that my most favorite Walgreens sales person is from Paramus, New Jersey! No wonder why I love him so much! He always tells me I'm extremely smiley and always happy. It's pretty cool. Anyways, came home & ate Girl Scout cookies (thin mints if anyone reading this is exceptionally voyeuristic). I took a nap, watched some bad daytime TV (is there any other kind?) and came back online to listen to some music. I just downloaded this album (for free- but legally!) by Adam Taylor. It's called "Play The Piano Drunk". I really like it actually, everyone should check it out. Not bad for some free tunage.
This weekend I did not do very much (really, is that surprising?). We ordered Pizza on Friday from this really great pizza place in our local super Target shopping center. When I was sitting in my car there was the cutest couple having a moment in his truck. Usually I hate these things, I'm not a fan of PDAs at all, but I'm glad even for one split second that I could see and believe things like that actually happen to people. The guy was so adorable too, he could have been a model. The girl was pretty average looking, but happy. I'm glad I notice these things sometimes, I think lately I've become not as observant to the world around me which is kind of sad because thats what i always loved about life... noticing all the little things.
Weather wise it was a pretty dissapointing weekend. Cold, hot, cold hot, it never stops! It also rained. Today was beautiful though, and yet I spent it inside... I should be slapped!
Steph (best friend) and Dan (the boyfriend) are coming to Florida to go to disney. I'm so excited! Even if it's only a day, hey I'll take it! More visitors then I've gotten all year! Actually, thats a lie, my dad came and spent a week in January so i was lucky this year. Still no mom. Not surprising. Anyway, by the time they come it will be May so I will either be gearing up to move, vegging out, having a job (dont bet on this one if you're into that sort of thing), or ??? who knows. I know I won't be in school though. Really, I just need a damn vacation. Anyone want to take a broke girl on vacation? I'm lots of fun I promise. Also, I don't drink that much so I can be your designated driver. If you're interested drop me a comment. Oh, and don't make it someplace tropical. I do live in Florida after all. This means no disney.
Ok, that's all I have to say for now. If anyone out there is reading this, let me know.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Today she woke to find the strength inside her song/ that put a smile upon her face/ but you know it never lasts for long.
I'm still cringing about reading my livejournal and two xangas. Seriously I can't even explain to you how embaressed I am. I am so so so sorry to anyone who had to deal with me between the years of 2002 and 2005... fortunately for me (and the general public) sometime around 2005 I realized that I didn't live in the ghetto, and thus stopped talking like I was doing 20 to life... (sorry for any raging generalizations I just made there, I'm a sociologist and should know better but alas thats the only way i can explain the gravity of the situation). Anyways, my second Xanga got gramatically better so its like a tenth less embaressing then the others. I'm not sure why I stopped blogging except that I got Myspace, so everyone moved from Xanga to there and it didn't seem as useful anymore. Now I realize that was a mistake though, I should of kept blogging.
Today I was going to do my Anthropology midterm but WISE (the system) is down, and thus I cant get my student # (which is my own fault, really, because I should have it memorized but I just always sign it with my social security #... bad cher). So because I dont have my student number, I can't sign into myphcc, so i cant take the midterm until march 5th. Unless the school will email me back, which i hope they do.
Anyways, that's a bit frustrating. Maybe I'll start on my anthropology paper. I'm doing it on the role of Egyptian women in Ancient Egypt, which was surprisingly equal to that of men. I found this interesting so thats my topic! It's pretty funny that there are ancient civilizations that figured out what we still cant seem to figure out in modern day society. alas, thats life unfortutanely. I'm kind of toying with the idea of concentrating on gender in sociology... but then I am alot more interested in Marxian theory and making the world a better place and I'm not sure gender would fit into that. Although the whole idea of gender roles really does fascinate me. Maybe this week i will make it my mission to read "The Feminine Mystique"... I've had it for probably a year and managed to make it through the first chapter and thats about it. It's not because it's boring, it's because i am absolutely terrible about finishing books. I don't read as much as I should, but I do at least try to keep up on things by reading news on the internet (which is more than i can really say for most of the population who get their news from god knows where)
Next week is a spring break, although it doesn't feel much like spring or a break. It's fifty degrees here in southern florida. That probably sounds like a tropical getaway for those of you in the north who have gotten like 50 feet of snow this winter (I feel your pain) but when it's a median temp of like 80 degrees, and is then 50, you feel like an ice cube. Your body just can't handle it. Seriously, I am now a wimp when it comes to the cold. Brrrr my fingers are freezing right now just writing this, haha.
These are one of the only good things in my old xanga, the quotes (sorry to keep beating a dead horse!)
“I guess, you know, I looked a little bit like um, who was that? The guy in Wang Chung.” -Ben (Folds), referring to his days in High School
"Trio- You mean that doesn't mean five?" -Ben Folds
“Has anybody here ever been hit by a car before?” - Ben, introducing Fair
“I tend to just eat the Tootsie Pop whole, wrapper and all because I'm impatient.” - Ben Folds
“I learned how to say, "Tokyo fucking rocks!" in Japanese... I'd love to go into a record store and say, "I AM BEN FOLDS!" and have all these Japanese girls swarm around me while someone takes a video of it to show my friends back home.” - little story about the Japanese tour
“Shit... fuck... does anybody know the second verse? Security, let that man through!” - Ben, at Summerfest, when he forgot the words to Video Killed The Radio Star
“I can't believe Napster might be shut down. Music is for everybody. When people get excited about it, whether from hearing it on the radio or borrowing a record from a friend, or accessing it through Napster, they buy records and come out to shows.” - Ben Folds
“Once every two and a half years.” - Ben, when asked how often he does his laundry
“I've been called a nerd in every possible paper across the United States.” - Ben Folds
I obviously loved Ben Folds at the time. ALOT. I'm really grateful for him actually, his music led me to so many things and such a different path then I was previously on. I don't listen to his albums as much as I should (in fact, as long as we are admitting things here, I still have not listened to his new album all the way through) but I still consider him one of my favorites. I just love everything about him.
This is turning into a novel of an entry so I'll just leave it at that. Sheesh.
<3 Cher
ok... just a few more...
“Yeah, I was thinking, what else could I do to be like Prince, because everything else, from my lifestyle to my dancing, is just like him, so I thought I'd record like him as well.” - Ben on playing all the instruments on the album (like Prince)
“Alot of people assume that my name is Ben because I'm the guy who sings, and thats the name of the band, but it's kinda like Hootie and The Blowfish. My name's actually Quami.” - Ben Folds
“I was a geek I think in high school... yeah, I was.” - Ben Folds
“Thanks alot y'all, we're the Spice Girls and we'll be back in March.” - Ben Folds
I'm still cringing about reading my livejournal and two xangas. Seriously I can't even explain to you how embaressed I am. I am so so so sorry to anyone who had to deal with me between the years of 2002 and 2005... fortunately for me (and the general public) sometime around 2005 I realized that I didn't live in the ghetto, and thus stopped talking like I was doing 20 to life... (sorry for any raging generalizations I just made there, I'm a sociologist and should know better but alas thats the only way i can explain the gravity of the situation). Anyways, my second Xanga got gramatically better so its like a tenth less embaressing then the others. I'm not sure why I stopped blogging except that I got Myspace, so everyone moved from Xanga to there and it didn't seem as useful anymore. Now I realize that was a mistake though, I should of kept blogging.
Today I was going to do my Anthropology midterm but WISE (the system) is down, and thus I cant get my student # (which is my own fault, really, because I should have it memorized but I just always sign it with my social security #... bad cher). So because I dont have my student number, I can't sign into myphcc, so i cant take the midterm until march 5th. Unless the school will email me back, which i hope they do.
Anyways, that's a bit frustrating. Maybe I'll start on my anthropology paper. I'm doing it on the role of Egyptian women in Ancient Egypt, which was surprisingly equal to that of men. I found this interesting so thats my topic! It's pretty funny that there are ancient civilizations that figured out what we still cant seem to figure out in modern day society. alas, thats life unfortutanely. I'm kind of toying with the idea of concentrating on gender in sociology... but then I am alot more interested in Marxian theory and making the world a better place and I'm not sure gender would fit into that. Although the whole idea of gender roles really does fascinate me. Maybe this week i will make it my mission to read "The Feminine Mystique"... I've had it for probably a year and managed to make it through the first chapter and thats about it. It's not because it's boring, it's because i am absolutely terrible about finishing books. I don't read as much as I should, but I do at least try to keep up on things by reading news on the internet (which is more than i can really say for most of the population who get their news from god knows where)
Next week is a spring break, although it doesn't feel much like spring or a break. It's fifty degrees here in southern florida. That probably sounds like a tropical getaway for those of you in the north who have gotten like 50 feet of snow this winter (I feel your pain) but when it's a median temp of like 80 degrees, and is then 50, you feel like an ice cube. Your body just can't handle it. Seriously, I am now a wimp when it comes to the cold. Brrrr my fingers are freezing right now just writing this, haha.
These are one of the only good things in my old xanga, the quotes (sorry to keep beating a dead horse!)
“I guess, you know, I looked a little bit like um, who was that? The guy in Wang Chung.” -Ben (Folds), referring to his days in High School
"Trio- You mean that doesn't mean five?" -Ben Folds
“Has anybody here ever been hit by a car before?” - Ben, introducing Fair
“I tend to just eat the Tootsie Pop whole, wrapper and all because I'm impatient.” - Ben Folds
“I learned how to say, "Tokyo fucking rocks!" in Japanese... I'd love to go into a record store and say, "I AM BEN FOLDS!" and have all these Japanese girls swarm around me while someone takes a video of it to show my friends back home.” - little story about the Japanese tour
“Shit... fuck... does anybody know the second verse? Security, let that man through!” - Ben, at Summerfest, when he forgot the words to Video Killed The Radio Star
“I can't believe Napster might be shut down. Music is for everybody. When people get excited about it, whether from hearing it on the radio or borrowing a record from a friend, or accessing it through Napster, they buy records and come out to shows.” - Ben Folds
“Once every two and a half years.” - Ben, when asked how often he does his laundry
“I've been called a nerd in every possible paper across the United States.” - Ben Folds
I obviously loved Ben Folds at the time. ALOT. I'm really grateful for him actually, his music led me to so many things and such a different path then I was previously on. I don't listen to his albums as much as I should (in fact, as long as we are admitting things here, I still have not listened to his new album all the way through) but I still consider him one of my favorites. I just love everything about him.
This is turning into a novel of an entry so I'll just leave it at that. Sheesh.
<3 Cher
ok... just a few more...
“Yeah, I was thinking, what else could I do to be like Prince, because everything else, from my lifestyle to my dancing, is just like him, so I thought I'd record like him as well.” - Ben on playing all the instruments on the album (like Prince)
“Alot of people assume that my name is Ben because I'm the guy who sings, and thats the name of the band, but it's kinda like Hootie and The Blowfish. My name's actually Quami.” - Ben Folds
“I was a geek I think in high school... yeah, I was.” - Ben Folds
“Thanks alot y'all, we're the Spice Girls and we'll be back in March.” - Ben Folds
Friday, February 26, 2010
get a haircut and get a real job.
i realized i really need to keep writing a personal blog. or start actually because i havent been. I cannot tell you the joy I am getting at the moment from reading my old blogs... I was trying to recover my old deadjournal for the past 2 hours (couldnt remember the link). In the proccess I recovered two old xangas, and had to recover my aol s/n to find my deadjournal. But I succeeded! Seriously, I am cracking up right now. I was a horrible writer. Why did I write like I ruled the mean streets of compton? Seriously if anyone read this stuff now I'd never get a boyfriend, never get a job... hell, i would of never gotten accepted to community college!
It is funny though, some of the weekend accounts are hilarious. I made my life seem so big and important, and I guess in some tiny way it was. It was before all the family drama, before steph leaving, before the shoe dept (oh god, i wish i would of kept a journal during those days...). I miss it. its funny it, i dont remember the little things anymore. I used to be so good at remembering the silly things that happened that really made my 3rd wednesday is january special, or any other little day.
Among finding embaressing journals, I also found the myspaces of my two biggest crushes in high school. One's married, one's engaged. Oy. When did I grow up? Also, when did I stop being a stalker?
yeah, I don't know either.
It is funny though, some of the weekend accounts are hilarious. I made my life seem so big and important, and I guess in some tiny way it was. It was before all the family drama, before steph leaving, before the shoe dept (oh god, i wish i would of kept a journal during those days...). I miss it. its funny it, i dont remember the little things anymore. I used to be so good at remembering the silly things that happened that really made my 3rd wednesday is january special, or any other little day.
Among finding embaressing journals, I also found the myspaces of my two biggest crushes in high school. One's married, one's engaged. Oy. When did I grow up? Also, when did I stop being a stalker?
yeah, I don't know either.
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