I hope it's warm, but I hope the sun doesn't burn me up. I don't need any more color really, my legs already look sickly pale like that of a person on their third round of chemotherapy while my arms make me look like a construction worker putting windows in houses for a living (I'm not).
I have some more evidence for my 'when it rains it pours theory'. A long time ago (well, like 2 years) when I first moved here I hung out with this guy. Holding back details of what actually happened we stopped talking and haven't spoken in more than a year. Actually, the last time I spoke to him was probably around election day 2008. Anyway, I was just thinking of him because I knew he wanted to go to USF and I'm starting in the fall. Then I noticed him stalking my profile on okcupid, so I was the nice one and sent him a 'hey how are you doing, etc etc' message to find out that hes now currently single and going to usf, blah blah blah. Yeah, that was so odd and the timing was so weird. I don't want to date him or anything, I'm just trying to make friends. So odd though.
Besides that, nothing overly exciting has happened this week. Sorry this entry is not very poetic I just don't feel very poetic today. It's sweltering outside and I'm contemplating going swimming but then I'm like do I really want to get all messed up? Then I'm thinking of going to get some photos developed but it's a waste to just go out to do that one thing. I also have to mail some things but I'm waiting for the ebay buyers to pay me. You know how that goes.
Ok, here is my current playlist:
Parachute- She (For Liz)
Gabe Dixon Band- And The World Turns
Carbon Leaf- Another Man's Woman
Carbon Leaf- Miss Hollywood
Love- My Little Red Book
Something Corporate- Me & The Moon
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes- Home
Kate Nash- Doo Wah Doo
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