Today was a good day!!
a quick list of things I'm grateful for today:
1) I avoided about 5 accidents today. One was my fault (shame) because I was getting on the highway and I didn't see that there was someone there and moved over. I had enough room (luckily) but it could have ended badly. The rest were people cutting me off and not looking as they were backing out of parking spaces (seriously, do i wear a sign??). Apparently today was cut cherilyn off day and I missed the memo. For shame.
2) The weather is beautiful!! Gorgeous!! I have to admit this time of year is the hardest to be away from nj because spring has always been my favorite season. I love when it gets just warm enough to not need a heavy coat but yet still chilly enough to be comfy in jeans. I miss my walks through the neighborhood to the deli to get pepsi (aka my crack!). I miss my best friend. I miss the smell in the morning, and getting to open my windows for that first time after a very long winter. I miss all of that living here, and although I'm very grateful for the beautiful day, it has a touch of sadness too.
3) I got my pearls back from the jeweler and they did a really good job. It was also only 20 dollars to repair, not the 40 plus dollars they quoted me.
4) I got a high C on my test and yet still have an A in history.
5) Last night I realized because I happened to check my school user id online that i had a history essay due today. If I hadn't of done that, I would have failed the class. I rushed to get it done and still did pretty well on it I think. I didn't even need to quote wikipedia (it was on the harlem rennaisaince if anyone cares)
ok, thats pretty much it. The weekend was fun, and we went to the strawberry festival, and it was good. except I've never seen so much god/jesus stuff in public not at a church thing in my lifeeee. the northeast is so different in that reguard. Vendors would never be selling jewelery at the same time they were giving out free bibles (but only the new testatment... i guess the old isnt important?) it kind of made me uncomfortable and like everyone was trying to convert me. I mean it's they're right to display whatever, but I just found it odd. The tea partiers were there too and that just downright amused me. i was all ready to say im a liberal if they asked me to donate money. but they didnt so that made me a little sad. i wanted to pick a fight (not really).
I did get an earrings/pendant set that is sooo pretty. Also, a piano charm I really need to find a chain for.
oh yeah, i also kicked major ass at Scrabble saturday night. That was fun. Ok, thats all!
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