Friday, June 25, 2010
she's got no future, just a life to endure.
hello blogosphere. Today I got a surprising amount of things done... I cleaned my room, vacuumed, cleaned the litter boxes (ick), did laundry, ran to the store, and had my first steak n shake experience! Seriously, Tampa has every single fast food imaginable, it's ridiculous. Also fattening. I was meant to start a diet today, obviously that did not happen. I am cutting out all sweet drinks and sticking to water from now on. Coffee gets a pass, but I have to start to use less sugar. That's basically it.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
those were days of roses; poetry and proses.
I am so so so glad that I bought this Tom Waits album on a whim two weeks ago. I'm just getting round to listening to it now but I am seriously in love. The other songs I tried to listen to were a little hard to stand, but I suppose his later work is a little bit more avantegarde (at least from what I read searching through google).The songs are just so understated and beautiful with the piano shining through creating so much emotion you just want to cry! The lyrics are also so beautiful and poetic, you could such emotion just from reading them on a piece of paper. It really is quite extraordinary. In case anyone out there is reading my blog, the album is "Closing Time". I think it's his debut or one of his first albums anyway. I think I'm going to burn this one for my dad, along with the new Hanson CD ('shout it out' in case anyone is interested). The new Hanson album hasn't gotten a super lot of play since I've been preoccupied with 'pet sounds' and 'new miserable experience' (strange taste whattttt).
Let's see, what else have I been up to. Not much really. I put chlorine in the pool today, unloaded the dishwasher, remembered to take out the recycle (come on this is always a success since i usually forget)... really nothing special. I was going to get my nails done yesterday but couldn't justify the expense (I spend approximately 1/6 of my time biting my nails. That's right. 1/6.) Of course, I can justify buying to many new albums from the record store. It's something I haven't done in a long long time though, and I suppose some things never change. ever. Before I cared what I looked like, I spent all my money on CDs and literally never bought new clothes for myself. I didn't even buy good Cds though so it was kind of a waste (this was during my crappy hip-hop stage... the 15 dollars on that edited version of tupac's greatest hits was well spent though).
Not much else to say. I think I am going to make salmon for dinner... I was going to make mashed potatoes but I am too lazy, so I'm just going to reheat the corn that's already in the fridge. I'll make the Parmesan potatoes tomorrow instead.
I need a haircut. that is all.
Let's see, what else have I been up to. Not much really. I put chlorine in the pool today, unloaded the dishwasher, remembered to take out the recycle (come on this is always a success since i usually forget)... really nothing special. I was going to get my nails done yesterday but couldn't justify the expense (I spend approximately 1/6 of my time biting my nails. That's right. 1/6.) Of course, I can justify buying to many new albums from the record store. It's something I haven't done in a long long time though, and I suppose some things never change. ever. Before I cared what I looked like, I spent all my money on CDs and literally never bought new clothes for myself. I didn't even buy good Cds though so it was kind of a waste (this was during my crappy hip-hop stage... the 15 dollars on that edited version of tupac's greatest hits was well spent though).
Not much else to say. I think I am going to make salmon for dinner... I was going to make mashed potatoes but I am too lazy, so I'm just going to reheat the corn that's already in the fridge. I'll make the Parmesan potatoes tomorrow instead.
I need a haircut. that is all.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
when did i become such a new-jerseyian? Seriously, I want to know when this vast transformation took place. Any chance that I get I tell people I'm from the northeast. Also, I've been spending a considerably amount of time listening to this guy:

My dad never liked bruce springsteen, i never listened to him growing up. I am discovering his genius though.
Hey, it could be worse. I could be listening to bon jovi.
My dad never liked bruce springsteen, i never listened to him growing up. I am discovering his genius though.
Hey, it could be worse. I could be listening to bon jovi.
oh wow, it's been a week since I last updated! Mucho apologies. A lot has gone on in a week. Not that anyone even reads this, so I suppose I am apologizing to myself which is pretty embaressing.
I had my USF orientation of Wednesday and it was so scary. The school is huge, and I got lost trying to find my car at the end of the day... it took me over an hour to find it. It was absolutely horrible. I don't know, I don't know if I can do this. It's going to be so hard! I have to take a foreign language which I am not completely sure I will ever pass. I could always take sign language... which I'm still not completely sure I would ever pass. I'm still considering taking french again since I did take two years of it, and some of it must have stuck. Am I right? No, probably not. Maybe I just do not have enough confidence in myself. It's probably half that and half that I know the true reality of the situation.
In other news, allergies are brutal today. Seriously, where is all this pollen even coming from? It's florida, we have no flowers! Nothing can grow, it's a desert!
Yesterday I watched Pirate Radio, which was decent. It got a lot better towards the end, the beginning was a bit slow moving.
Oh yeah, and my 19 year old unmarried, poor sister is pregnant! I'll leave that situation up to everyone's imaginations. By poor I don't mean it in a "aww poor baby" kind of way, more of a "oh i have no savings or health insurance and my boyfriend has no job" kind of way.
Hmmm, what else. I've been listening to some awesome albums this week... I just made it through "Pet Sounds" and "New Miserable Experience"... I'm now working on Elastica's self-titled album which is good so far. I'm listening to "Car Song" at the moment. Oh yeah, and I listened to half of "The First Ten Years" by Joan Baez. Lots of awesome Dylan covers.
That's it for now! I'm very sneezy! Will report back later xo.
I had my USF orientation of Wednesday and it was so scary. The school is huge, and I got lost trying to find my car at the end of the day... it took me over an hour to find it. It was absolutely horrible. I don't know, I don't know if I can do this. It's going to be so hard! I have to take a foreign language which I am not completely sure I will ever pass. I could always take sign language... which I'm still not completely sure I would ever pass. I'm still considering taking french again since I did take two years of it, and some of it must have stuck. Am I right? No, probably not. Maybe I just do not have enough confidence in myself. It's probably half that and half that I know the true reality of the situation.
In other news, allergies are brutal today. Seriously, where is all this pollen even coming from? It's florida, we have no flowers! Nothing can grow, it's a desert!
Yesterday I watched Pirate Radio, which was decent. It got a lot better towards the end, the beginning was a bit slow moving.
Oh yeah, and my 19 year old unmarried, poor sister is pregnant! I'll leave that situation up to everyone's imaginations. By poor I don't mean it in a "aww poor baby" kind of way, more of a "oh i have no savings or health insurance and my boyfriend has no job" kind of way.
Hmmm, what else. I've been listening to some awesome albums this week... I just made it through "Pet Sounds" and "New Miserable Experience"... I'm now working on Elastica's self-titled album which is good so far. I'm listening to "Car Song" at the moment. Oh yeah, and I listened to half of "The First Ten Years" by Joan Baez. Lots of awesome Dylan covers.
That's it for now! I'm very sneezy! Will report back later xo.
Friday, June 11, 2010
I'm not gonna try to forget Maybe happiness Is worth the chance Of a bitter end?
why do people lie? i really don't understand it. I don't want to get so much into it, but my feelings were hurt, really. But, I can't let mistakes I've made in the past be in vain, and I will NOT go through the same situation, you know? I have to not let myself get that hurt, because if I do, I might never open up again.
Have to remember not to set myself up for failure in the future. Somebody will come along eventually, maybe.
In other news, my sun poisoning is slowly but surely going away. I guess that's why I haven't written, i've been in alot of pain. For once it's physical though.
In other other news, I finally took a ride to the record shop, and it was awesomeeeeee. I got the complete buddy holly on vinyl! Like, is anything more amazing than that? NO. I also bought carole king- tapestry and bruce springsteen- the river on vinyl. Besides that I bought a bunch of cds that need to go into my itunes. I'm really happy about that. I spent way too much money, but soooo worth it. I also stopped at the thrift store and bought 2 really really cute dresses, one long top that I wont be able to wear until winter, and one dress i'm not as in love with but its still pretty cute. All in all it was a successful week.
Anyways, I have been trying SO hard lately that I refuse to be put into emo cher mode over a certain boy.
Have to remember not to set myself up for failure in the future. Somebody will come along eventually, maybe.
In other news, my sun poisoning is slowly but surely going away. I guess that's why I haven't written, i've been in alot of pain. For once it's physical though.
In other other news, I finally took a ride to the record shop, and it was awesomeeeeee. I got the complete buddy holly on vinyl! Like, is anything more amazing than that? NO. I also bought carole king- tapestry and bruce springsteen- the river on vinyl. Besides that I bought a bunch of cds that need to go into my itunes. I'm really happy about that. I spent way too much money, but soooo worth it. I also stopped at the thrift store and bought 2 really really cute dresses, one long top that I wont be able to wear until winter, and one dress i'm not as in love with but its still pretty cute. All in all it was a successful week.
Anyways, I have been trying SO hard lately that I refuse to be put into emo cher mode over a certain boy.
Monday, June 7, 2010
In other news, I'm listening to the new Hanson album "Shout It Out"... i am seriously in love. I love this piano rock side to them, its so amazing. It's like a great forgotten album from the 1970's. The opening chords of "waiting for this" remind me so much of ben folds (who also equals love)... so far no ballads though. They seem to be very happy on this album, which is a contrast to the past EPS they've released over the last few years, lol. I'm glad though as I wasn't totally in love with all of them. Anyways, I am very happy at the moment.
Also, I might get to go see Something Corporate after all! Ginny might come with me, I have to see if I have school then. If I don't, I'll drive down :D So exciting. I really would love to see them.
Orientation is a week from wednesday... eee!!! SO NERVOUS. I think I'll be ok though.
Let's see, what else did I do today... shaved the dog, bathed the dog, cleaned out the kitty boxes, went to the post office, and went to walgreens! All in all a successful day. I sold something else on amazon and made 12.00. YAY. that's about it!
Ok, now i'm going to go tend to my sunburn!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
i'm making a list of cds i hope to acquire someday. maybe my bday.
love- love
broken bells- self-titled
any joan baez
the dead weather- die by the drop
i'm sure there are more, will be adding to this list!
love- love
broken bells- self-titled
any joan baez
the dead weather- die by the drop
i'm sure there are more, will be adding to this list!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
today its raining, I mean really raining, like cats and dogs as they say. I was very disappointed to see my favorite blog ever has discontinued. She hadn't written in it in over 2 years, but the old entries were still up in case I felt like getting lost. I suppose at some time we need to let these kinds of things go though, right? I'd love to tell her how much her entries meant to me, and how much I identified. I'm sure she knows though, I think people can feel these kinds of things.
I went to the store and mailed out some things, nothing truly exciting.
I hope that it doesn't rain tomorrow, and I hope that the oil stays off of Florida's shores for as long as possible although it will not be indefinitely, and eventually we will have to suffer the consequences for abusing nature and deregulating business.
That's really all I have to say.
I went to the store and mailed out some things, nothing truly exciting.
I hope that it doesn't rain tomorrow, and I hope that the oil stays off of Florida's shores for as long as possible although it will not be indefinitely, and eventually we will have to suffer the consequences for abusing nature and deregulating business.
That's really all I have to say.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I brought a stick to a gunfight, and I'm stuck with my tongue tied.
this is where I'm going on Friday:

I hope it's warm, but I hope the sun doesn't burn me up. I don't need any more color really, my legs already look sickly pale like that of a person on their third round of chemotherapy while my arms make me look like a construction worker putting windows in houses for a living (I'm not).
I have some more evidence for my 'when it rains it pours theory'. A long time ago (well, like 2 years) when I first moved here I hung out with this guy. Holding back details of what actually happened we stopped talking and haven't spoken in more than a year. Actually, the last time I spoke to him was probably around election day 2008. Anyway, I was just thinking of him because I knew he wanted to go to USF and I'm starting in the fall. Then I noticed him stalking my profile on okcupid, so I was the nice one and sent him a 'hey how are you doing, etc etc' message to find out that hes now currently single and going to usf, blah blah blah. Yeah, that was so odd and the timing was so weird. I don't want to date him or anything, I'm just trying to make friends. So odd though.
Besides that, nothing overly exciting has happened this week. Sorry this entry is not very poetic I just don't feel very poetic today. It's sweltering outside and I'm contemplating going swimming but then I'm like do I really want to get all messed up? Then I'm thinking of going to get some photos developed but it's a waste to just go out to do that one thing. I also have to mail some things but I'm waiting for the ebay buyers to pay me. You know how that goes.
Ok, here is my current playlist:
Parachute- She (For Liz)
Gabe Dixon Band- And The World Turns
Carbon Leaf- Another Man's Woman
Carbon Leaf- Miss Hollywood
Love- My Little Red Book
Something Corporate- Me & The Moon
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes- Home
Kate Nash- Doo Wah Doo
I hope it's warm, but I hope the sun doesn't burn me up. I don't need any more color really, my legs already look sickly pale like that of a person on their third round of chemotherapy while my arms make me look like a construction worker putting windows in houses for a living (I'm not).
I have some more evidence for my 'when it rains it pours theory'. A long time ago (well, like 2 years) when I first moved here I hung out with this guy. Holding back details of what actually happened we stopped talking and haven't spoken in more than a year. Actually, the last time I spoke to him was probably around election day 2008. Anyway, I was just thinking of him because I knew he wanted to go to USF and I'm starting in the fall. Then I noticed him stalking my profile on okcupid, so I was the nice one and sent him a 'hey how are you doing, etc etc' message to find out that hes now currently single and going to usf, blah blah blah. Yeah, that was so odd and the timing was so weird. I don't want to date him or anything, I'm just trying to make friends. So odd though.
Besides that, nothing overly exciting has happened this week. Sorry this entry is not very poetic I just don't feel very poetic today. It's sweltering outside and I'm contemplating going swimming but then I'm like do I really want to get all messed up? Then I'm thinking of going to get some photos developed but it's a waste to just go out to do that one thing. I also have to mail some things but I'm waiting for the ebay buyers to pay me. You know how that goes.
Ok, here is my current playlist:
Parachute- She (For Liz)
Gabe Dixon Band- And The World Turns
Carbon Leaf- Another Man's Woman
Carbon Leaf- Miss Hollywood
Love- My Little Red Book
Something Corporate- Me & The Moon
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes- Home
Kate Nash- Doo Wah Doo
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