Hanson was amazing (as if there was any doubt that it would be true). The setlist left a little to be desired because all tour they were doing amazing covers of Journey, Bon Jovi, etc and we got stuck with "Oh Darling" which they've played a million times. I'm just a little bitter about that, "Don't Stop Believing" would have kicked so much booty. Hanson would have been even more amazing if these two kids next to us could have stopped making out and touching for five seconds. I swear, I attract these people! Not even joking. It happens everywhere I go. I'm not a total prude but I just don't need to be rubbing up against these types while I am trying to enjoy Hanson, Ok?
Anyways, us:
Opening acts (who with the exception of hellogoodbye were pretty awesome!). Especially Steel Train, because they were from New Jersey, so hello they gained about 500 cool points!
Ok, so then after Hanson was all awesome and stuff- I got the swine flu. I had to miss my Sociology test and my statistics class (which was the last class before a test, ick) and go to the clinic and get some tamiflu (250 dollars later...) which made me even sicker. So I spent all of Tuesday in the bathroom dying, I mean I was really dying. But anyway, that's what I get for going out and having a life- swine flu. How I am punished. Friday I have my wisdom tooth removal, fun stuff. I am so not looking forward to that on about a zillion levels. Everyone tells me I'll be fine, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to die. Also, no insurance so I dont think I'll be taking any vicodin. YAY. I'm hoping I will lose a few pounds though (yeah I know, how healthy) since I wont be able to eat anything but yogurt and broth. YUMMY.
In other news, the new album from Tegan and Sara is awesome. Also, The Rocket Summer songs are good but I am hoping the album isn't as preachy as the songs on the ep. It's not that I don't like the songs, it's just what I've always loved about the rocket summer is he talks about his faith in a nonpreachy way, and in most of the songs if you didn't know thats what he was singing about you wouldnt just figure it out because they just sound like normal love songs. The new songs- not so much. I kind of feel like the rocket summer hates me for being an atheist. Which is really ok.
Tomorrow my music appreciation class is cancelled which is pretty awesome. I only have my ethics class where we are watching a movie so, yay.
Also, big BOO on election day. Boo on Maine for making the lousy choice of preventing people love and the comfort that a marriage brings. We won't stop fighting...
Although someplace in Colorado legalized marijuana, so it wasnt a total loss.
Ok, the end of this not so interesting post.
<3 Cher
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